Dementia Mom is Home Not Working: What it Means For Her Family

Dementia Mom is Home Not Working: What it Means For Her Family

Dementia brings tension to the family. It affects relationships, money, and how you use time. When a person is caring for someone with dementia, they can’t work. This means less time with friends, which can lead to depression.

The disease also causes confusion and memory loss. This makes everyday tasks hard. Like, cooking and cleaning. This adds to the stress of the family. Also, medical bills and the missing income from not working.

Support groups and respite care can help. Activities like music and exercise can help moods and thinking. Families should talk about their problems and get help if needed.

“Mom’s memory was fading. Family dinners became a guessing game of ‘Who’s Coming to Plate’.”

Changes in the family routine

To adapt to the changes in the family routine due to your mom’s dementia, you need to address the challenges faced by her. You can start by identifying the daily tasks that become challenging and the necessary changes needed. In addition, you should note the changes in social activities as your mom may not be able to participate in them as she used to.

Daily tasks that become challenging

Families have to adjust their normal daily tasks when there’s a change in routine. Some challenging tasks they may face include:

  • Meal planning and prepping can be hard when schedules and ingredients are limited.
  • Keeping the house clean can be tough with less free time or energy.
  • Exercise can be tricky when parks and gyms are closed or have restricted access.
  • It can be difficult to keep in contact when everyone is busy with work or chores.
  • Kids’ education may be disrupted, making it hard for parents to balance work from home and schooling.

Every family gets affected differently. Some may not find certain tasks difficult, but others may have additional responsibilities.

To make things easier, families can try practical solutions. Meal prep services or scheduled cleaning times can reduce stress. An exercise plan at home or going on walks together can help everyone stay active and healthy. Setting aside time for group activities or daily check-ins can improve communication.

By adjusting tasks during changes, families can cope with new routines while still feeling normal.

Changes in social activities

The pandemic has changed social patterns. People had to adjust to new routines. Virtual socializing, like video calls and online gatherings, made distant connections with old friends and family possible. It also allowed for events beyond geographical boundaries. Still, in-person interaction is essential for mental health. Thus, many individuals have gradually resumed local activities, while following local regulations.

Pro Tip: Virtual communication is a great supplement when physical communication is not an option. It can help meet both personal and professional goals. Caregiving may be invaluable, but unfortunately, it doesn’t pay the bills.

The financial impact of caregiving

To understand how to deal with the financial impact of caregiving as a family, with the specific focus on dementia, read on. This section discusses the economic ramifications of caregiving for a parent with dementia, with a deep dive into two aspects: medical expenses and insurance coverage, and lost income from a caregiving parent.

Medical expenses and insurance coverage

The cost of healthcare can be hefty. Expenses like drugs, hospital stays, tests, visits to the doctor and therapy can build up quickly. Insurance policies may not cover all the treatments needed, or may come with high deductibles.

Family caregivers must navigate complex insurance policies and filing claims, as well as cope with the emotional and physical demands of caregiving. Unexpected out-of-pocket expenses can arise, even after the patient’s death.

It’s essential to research insurance options, understand their limitations, and try to negotiate with providers for better rates. Social workers or non-profit organizations can help with financial assistance programs.

Caregivers should plan ahead and have support systems in place. That way, they can manage expenses while ensuring their loved ones receive quality medical care.

Dementia Mom is Home Not Working

Caregiving can mean taking a pay cut or leaving work altogether. That affects the primary caregiver’s finances. This can result in a load of money troubles.

To help, look for extra income sources. Part-time or freelance work with flexible hours or working remotely could help. Paid leave policies from organizations or governments may also help.

Also, caregivers should take advantage of budgeting apps, investments, and insurance policies. That way, they’re ready for long-term caregiving expenses. It’s important to think of the present and plan for the future.

The emotional toll of caregiving

To navigate the emotional toll of caregiving for a loved one with dementia, coping with frustration and burnout, and navigating feelings of guilt and resentment are essential. You need to recognize signs of burnout and employ strategies that can help with frustration. You may also experience a wide range of emotions, including guilt and resentment, that you should manage to lessen the emotional burden of caregiving.

Coping with frustration and burnout

Caring for a loved one can be hard. Frustration and burnout can happen. To cope, prioritize self-care. Take breaks, relax, and stay healthy. Enjoy life and keep a positive outlook. Remember that caregiving does not mean giving up personal wellbeing. Establish open communication with the care recipient and family. Seek professional help if needed. Guilt for resenting a loved one is like being mad at a puppy for chewing shoes. It’s not their fault, but it still sucks.

Navigating feelings of guilt and resentment

As a caregiver, it can be hard to manage complex emotions. It is normal to feel guilty and resentful as part of the caregiving process. These conflicting feelings can lead to burnout and resentment. It’s important to acknowledge these emotions and ask for help.

Support can provide emotional relief and help reduce the intensity of negative feelings. Every caregiving experience is unique, so understanding and accepting feelings is key.

Caregiver Kelly felt overwhelmed with her dad’s dementia diagnosis. She didn’t want to show her dad her emotions. Therapy helped her express her resentment and guilt. It eased Kelly’s depression and anxiety.

Remember, asking for help is a sign of strength. It shows that you are aware of the value of community support.

Community resources and support

To find solutions and support in navigating the challenges of caring for a “Dementia Mom” at home, turn to the section on Community Resources and Support in the article “Dementia Mom is Home Not Working: What it Means For Her Family”. This section discusses local support groups and counseling services, as well as assisted living facilities and respite care options that can make a significant difference in the wellbeing of both the person with dementia and their family members.

Local support groups and counseling services

Local Resources for Emotional Support and Counseling

Locating local support groups and counseling services can aid you through hard times. Here are a few options:

  • The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is a non-profit that provides education, support, and advocacy for those affected by mental illness. Local chapters often provide group therapy and other services.
  • Community mental health centers offer counseling services at affordable or no cost. They may be linked to universities or hospitals, and payment can be made based on income.
  • Faith-based organizations or religious institutions may offer spiritual or pastoral counseling.
  • Psychology Today is an online directory which can help you to find therapists near you, based on insurance provider, specialties, and availability.

Apart from these services, you can contact social workers or community outreach personnel at your workplace, school, or other associated organizations to ask about other available resources. Seeking emotional support is a courageous move towards self-improvement.

If you’re uncertain about what kind of help would benefit you, contact one of the previously mentioned non-profits or directories. No matter what you choose, it’s important to have a supportive network during difficult times for overall well-being.

Plus, there’s always assisted living facilities if you need a little help and a lot of bingo!

Assisted living facilities and respite care options

The community is offering help to those who need assistance in their daily life. Options of assisted living facilities vary from shared apartments to private rooms. Respite care gives caregivers a break while their family members receive medical care in a safe place.

Assisted living facilities are set up to provide housekeeping, meals, and personal care. Respite care gives temporary relief and supervision to those caring for handicapped people. These services differ depending on the place, cost, and size of the facility. It is possible to get these services for lower cost or even free with the help of local government or donor support.

A Doctor came up with this idea when his wife had a stroke at 45 years old. They saw how expensive these services are, especially if specialized equipment like hospital beds were needed for home care-giving. This experience led to their campaign to get affordable assisted living facilities and respite care options available across the United States, regardless of the financial status of those who need it.